Rose Ciardiello has consistently ranked #1 in CT for Closed Sales Volume. Ranked in the Top 1% Company-Wide, Rose has a proven track record. She has been a member of the exclusive Platinum Club since 2018, Raveis' highest level awarded to the company's Mega Agents, based on an annual Closed Sales Volume of $30+ million.
She is a consistent recipient of the New Haven Middlesex County Board of Realtors' Quarterly Achievement Award, based on Closed Sales Production. Rose's highest achievement within the company was in 2019 - RANKED #1 in the State of CT in Closed Sales Volume and has maintained the status of #1 Sales Associate in Connecticut!! Rose is ranked TOP 1/2 of 1% of 1.4 million licensed realtors in the country.
Her dedication, commitment and professional skills are widely acknowledged and respected by her clients, her peers and in the real estate industry. Clients appreciate her attention to detail and full-service approach, helping them to avoid problems, make informed decisions and find solutions that are tailored to their needs. Her proactive manner also has saved many clients time, energy and money. It’s that expertise and professionalism that leads so many sellers and buyers to Galen. In fact, her work on behalf of her clients is so effective that 90 percent of them refer their friends and family to Galen or return to her for their subsequent sales or purchases.
Connect with Galen at 203-314-6269!